És una iniciativa de la Unió Europea que té com a objectiu que les persones joves majors de 16 i menors de 30 anys que no estiguen cursant estudis, formació ocupacional i no tinguen treball, puguen rebre una oferta de treball, d'educació o formació.
Avantatges: ajudes a la contractació i convocatòries d'educació, formació, pràctiques, aprenentatge, ocupació i autoocupació.
Garantia Juvenil està dirigida a joves en cerca d'ocupació que no es troben en situació d'estudiar o formar-se, ni treballant per compte propi o aliè, i vulguen aconseguir la seua inserció plena en el mercat laboral.
Els joves podran sol·licitar la seua inscripció sempre que complisquen els següents requisits:
Més informació:
MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta
C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 50 baix - 03760 - Ondara
Tel. 965757237 - Email: macma@macma.org
Cultura i Patrimoni:
659 219 476 - macma@macma.org
Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:
680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org
Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:
635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org
Servei Mancomunat d’Arxius:
620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org
96 575 72 37 - secretaria@macma.org
1 x Application (74.41%) | 176ms |
1 x Booting (25.58%) | 60.55ms |
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select * from `areas` where `slug` = 'cultura' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select VERSION() as version from `users` limit 1
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`area_id` = 1 and `paginas`.`area_id` is not null and (JSON_EXTRACT(slug, '$.ca') = 'servei-de-garantia-juvenil-sepe' or JSON_EXTRACT(slug, '$.ca') = 'servei-de-garantia-juvenil-sepe') limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`area_id` = 1 and `paginas`.`area_id` is not null and JSON_EXTRACT(slug, '$.ca') = 'servei-de-garantia-juvenil-sepe' or JSON_EXTRACT(slug, '$.ca') = 'servei-de-garantia-juvenil-sepe' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`pagina_id` = 92 and `paginas`.`pagina_id` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`pagina_id` = 92 and `paginas`.`pagina_id` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `areas` where `slug` = 'cultura' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `parent` = 0 and (`area_id` = 1 or `area_id` = 0) and `publicat` = 1 order by `order_column` asc
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 1 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 2 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '157' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 2 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '157' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 55 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '188' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 9 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 9 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `guia_macmas` where `data_publicacio` <= '2025-03-15' order by `any` desc, `mes` desc limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 51 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '181' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 52 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '180' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 54 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 56 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 88 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 57 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `areas` where `slug` = 'cultura' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `parent` = 0 and (`area_id` = 1 or `area_id` = 0) and `publicat` = 1 order by `order_column` asc
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 1 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '157' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 2 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 2 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '157' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '188' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 55 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 9 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 9 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `guia_macmas` where `data_publicacio` <= '2025-03-15' order by `any` desc, `mes` desc limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '181' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 51 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = '180' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 52 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 54 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 56 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 88 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `menus` where `menus`.`parent` = 57 and `menus`.`parent` is not null and `publicat` = 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = 90 limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = 147 limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `paginas` where `paginas`.`id` = 551 limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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0 of 0array:4 [▼ "_token" => "pUHiquKMdz9bYkHfdI1L2ALgPC6UhHX2keX5uIij" "_previous" => array:1 [▶ "url" => "https://test.macma.org/cultura/servei-de-garantia-juvenil-sepe" ] "_flash" => array:2 [▶ "old" => [] "new" => [] ] "PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA" => [] ]