I'm the rock type


Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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Escola d'escalada de Pego

It is a small climbing school (with fewer than 30 routes) located in the ravine known as Βarranc de Les Coves. It consists of two sectors, the Sector d’Iniciació (Initiation Sector) and the Placa del Sol with about 27 routes in total. The level of difficulty ranges from IV to 6c in the Initiation Sector, where at the foot of each route one can see a plate with the name and the degree of difficulty, and between V and 7b in the Placa del Sol Sector. To access the Placa del Sol Sector, follow a path that starts at the end of the Initiation Sector for about 5 minutes, until coming across the wall.

How to get there

From Valencia: AP-7 (direction to Alicante along the coast) until the Oliva-Pego exit. Follow the national road to Pego and then continue through Passeig de Cervantes to Passeig del Calvari, and then move upwards. When getting to the point of crossing the ravine, take the first path on the left (which is indicated as Escola d’escalada, Climbing School) and follow the signs to the parking lot (in front of the Initiation Sector).

1. Sector de Iniciación (Initiation Sector):

1.1. El Diedro 5a

1.2. Placca 5a 

1.3. Plaqueta 4c

1.4. Mosquera 5a

1.5. Ximet 5c

1.6. Fortas 6a

1.7. Xaqueta d'Ocasió 6b

1.8. Salt del Jauar 6b

1.9. Spare Rib 5a

1.10. Perro Flaco 5c

1.11. Hace Calor 5a

1.12. Rocofòbia 6a

1.13. El Duende 5c 

2. Sector Placa de Sol (Placa de Sol Sector):

2.1. Forats negres 6a

2.2. Cabra loca 6b

2.3. Borrego Volador 6b+

2.4. La fila de ta tia 6c

2.5. Muca muca 7a

2.6. Teto 7a+

2.7. Anaconda 7c

2.8. Quimera 6c+

2.9. Garguller 7a+

2.10. Me’n Fot Dénia 6b+

2.11. Mística 6c

2.12. Plat combinat 6a+

2.13. Plat combinat II 5c

2.14. Rafelet un flanet 5c

2.15. Caldetes 5c (1)

(1) Information taken from the following websites: www.thecrag.com and www.cepego.com

info Pego

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