El Poble Nou de Benitatxell
For sport climbing, it is necessary to park at the top of the wall, walk to the end of the street and then follow the path to the right/west. Going down, the wall can be seen on the left.
2. Coming out 4c
3. Schneggerla 5c
4. Disorder 6a
5. Andrina 6a
6. Wok Dolly 6c
7. Get on Top 6c
8. Solarmissionar 6a
9. Polarpissoir 6a+
10. Waschbär 9 6a+
11. ARA 11 5b
12. Moria 5c
14. Blutzoll 6b+
15. Im Hagel 6b+
16. Kleiner Mann was nun? 6a
17. Hagen and the test Tube Monkeys 6c+
18. Gold 6b+
19. Silber 6b
20. Edelstahl 6b
21. BGM 5c
23. Silberrücken 6b+
24. Sonjannika 6a+
25. Moorhuhn Winter Edition / Sonjannika L6 6a
26. 95 olé 6b+ (1)
(1) Información extraída de la web www.thecrag.com