Water routes

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Teulada Moraira

Esnòrquel Cap Blanc

Technical difficulty
0,20 km
Total elevation gain
1 m

The southernmost part of Moraira's bay is home to Cap Blanc, a spectacular sea platform with magnificent views of El Penyal d'Ifac. To access it, descend a staircase that leads to the water. Here, there is a simple rocky beach where one can enjoy an entertaining snorkelling excursion along the coast.

As one moves away from the shore, initially it is possible to see an illuminated rocky seabed at less than two metres deep, where breams, damselfish, blennies, silver pomfre, and other smaller species abound. If one ventures a little further, there are seagrass meadows of posidonia where juvenile fish find shelter and which serve as constant food for dreamfish and black sea breams. It is even possible to see some octopus or cuttlefish.

Among the posidonia meadows, clearings of white sand and some rocky bars alternate, at a maximum depth of five or six metres. (1)

(1) Information extracted from the tourist website of Teulada Moraira.

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