I'm the rock type


Don't trade old paths for new ones.
Popular saying

La Vall d’Ebo


In 1967, the Secció d'Espeleologia d’Alcoi (Speleology Section of Alcoi) explored the chasm for the first time, reaching 115 metres. In 1968, a new expedition discovered the hanging steps of the pit named Avenc VII and in a second expedition another topographic sketch was made which was later expanded and reviewed, and then published in 1968 in number 3 of the AVENC magazine. In 1980, R. Plan and M. García, in a 24-hour stay, recollected all the data and revised the work done in previous years, reaching the chambers last discovered and determining 131 metres as their depth. Even so, there were still a series of very narrow and steep steps to check.

In 1975, the speleology group called Grup Speleològic Ratot d'Alcoi shot an 8.5 mm film in which several incursions were made to explore and photograph the most significant points and chambers.

Starting from Ebo and going along the road known as Camí del Calvari, there is a fork on the left bordering a terrace of almond trees. After travelling 1,350 metres and passing two zig-zag bends, one reaches a tectonic terrace on which there are several terraced fields. At the geographical point 4298848N 747511E, there is a fork with a path on the left which is in very bad conditions. At about 500 metres, it is possible to use the path that continues on the right so as to go up the terraced fields, turn around and return to the path to park near the crossing.

About 25 or 30 metres before reaching the fork, on the left-hand side a shortcut begins, currently marked with a landmark, which after about 130 metres leads to a path that comes from the village through El Calvari. Without any other forks, the path goes up to the slope known as Costera dels Caragols. Once on the hill, there is a stone landmark located at the coordinates 4298403N 748190E. Continue across the countryside and, going in the direction of 135º, there is a landmark 25 metres away. Continuing in this direction, at 100 metres there is another landmark located on the edge of an old path, at the coordinates 4298324N 748243E. Cross the path and, in a 100º direction, climb a talweg and turn left to choose the best path, but heading towards a ravine on the frontal slope, on the other side of the ravine known as Barranc de L’Infern. After about 120 metres and 60 metres of unevenness, there is a landmark indicated by the coordinates 4298325N 748356E. Between the two milestones there are more milestones which confirm the itinerary. From this point on, move in a 150º direction looking for the upper mouth of the chasm less than 100 metres away, located at coordinates 4298241N 748389E. The lower mouth is about 25 metres below. Between them there are two more holes that also communicate with the lower lateral chasm.(1)

(1) Information taken from the website of the Town Hall of La Vall d’Ebo.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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