Hiking routes

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Gata de Gorgos / Llíber

PR-CV 466: Gata de Gorgos - Llíber

3 h 5 min.
Technical difficulty
10,22 km
Total elevation gain
153 m

This route goes along the old road that connects Llíber with Gata and also the valley locally known as La Vall de Pop with Xàbia and Dénia. This road was used as a natural outlet for the export of a part of the raisins that were produced in Llíber. Throughout this route it is possible to see a great number of terraces that were built and rebuilt for the raisin trade and which are currently part of the valuable dry stone constructions heritage.

A large part of this route runs along the River Gorgos, declared a Site of Community Interest by the EU. As you walk along the trail you can enjoy the great variety of birds, reptiles and water snakes that are to be found within the permanent ponds along the way.


  • Parc del Raval.
  • Riu Gorgos.
  • Llíber.

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info Gata de Gorgos

info Llíber

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