Hiking routes

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Dénia / El Verger / Els Poblets

Via Verda: Dénia - Els Poblets - El Verger

4 h 0 min.
Technical difficulty
11,51 km
Total elevation gain
1 m

This route is 6.5 km long and takes 1 hour and 40 minutes to complete on foot, or 35 minutes by bike. It is perfectly suitable for anyone since it is a flat route with a low level of difficulty. People in wheelchairs and with reduced mobility can also do the whole route without any problems.

The starting point is the square in Dénia called Plaça Cholet. Begin advancing towards El Verger along the Dénia-Gandia path and when you reach a garden centre turn left along a path that heads towards the Negrals area. On this same path there are signs that accurately indicate the place of entry to the green way.

Along the route you can enjoy various rest areas, viewpoints at different places along the way which allow you to appreciate the diverse parts of the area through which the route passes, and also spaces with elements for doing exercises.

Along the way you go over various wooden bridges and also a walkway that crosses the River Alberca, where you can observe plants and birds typical of riverside ecosystems. Throughout the route you can also see trees that have been planted along the path.


  • El Palmar.
  • Zona Pícnic.
  • Riu Alberca.
  • El Verger.

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info Dénia

info El Verger

info Els Poblets

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