Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Casa Julia de Parcent

Located opposite the agricultural co-operative, La Casa Júlia de Parcent is a stately building dating from the beginning of the 20th century. Built by an emigrant from the village who went to the Americas, making his fortune in Chile, it is also known as La Casa del Xilé.

It was the former residence of the Moncho family, Spanish emigrants who left for Chile where they made a great fortune. Built in the modernist style by Don Miguel Moncho Mora at the beginning of the 20th century, both its configuration and large, circular entrance hall are in keeping with the colonial trends of the time.

Miguel Moncho Mora came to be one of the shareholders of the most important nitrate company. Linked to the world of show business first as a hobby, and later by profession, he was one of the forerunners and promoters of silent films.

Miguel Moncho's family built Casa Júlia as a temporary residence in Parcent while he continued his commercial activities in Chile related to cinema, theatre and other investments.

However, in 1916, he drowned in the wreck of El Príncipe de Asturias, a steamship that sank off the Brazilian coast. As a result of the tragedy, the house was inherited by his sister Ana, a teacher by profession and a woman of great cultural awareness, which was rare in those days. On Ana's death, the house passed to her sister, Juliana, who converted it into a hotel, from which it takes its second name, “Hotel Casa Júlia”.

Currently, the Reig-Llobell family owns the house and runs the restaurant-hotel.

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