Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Cases del Batlle

The buildings known as Les Cases del Batle are called this way because the mayor of the town of Benissa resided there. They are two stately homes located at numbers 38 and 40 of the street known as Carrer de La Puríssima.

The houses date from the 16th century and in 1998 the Town Hall acquired them with the idea of recuperating their splendour. The restoration works lasted a decade and in the process a set of eight 11th-century silos was discovered, probably belonging to the Muslim farmhouse that was situated in the same area.

Located behind these walls nowadays are the Bernat Capó Municipal Library and the Salvador Soria Contemporary Art Space, the latter of which houses the municipal collection of winning artworks in the painting competition that bears the name of the artist, who passed away in Benissa.

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