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La Vall de Gallinera

El fortí d'Almiserà

At the summit of Almiserà, 725 metres above sea level, lie the remains of a construction from the Muslim era that was part of the fortification of La Vall de Gallinera.

Currently, what can be seen are fragments of three of the circular towers of the corners, and remnants of two square towers on one of the side walls.

The Almiserà fortress is the oldest fortification in La Vall de Gallinera. It was built quickly, probably in the years 920-930, and it does not seem to have been used for more than a century. It has been excavated, studied and written about by André Bazzana. Its occupation is believed to be related to the submission of the Berbers in this area to the Caliph Abd Al-Rahman III.

Above these remains are the facilities of a television booster station, a radio transmitter and a fire observation hut, which have damaged the few remaining ruins. (1)

(1) Bazzana, A. (2005): El Fortí Omeia d'Almiserà en el cim del Xillibre. Separata del llibre de festes de Pego 2005.

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