Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


El Mercat

The Market of Dénia is located at number 16 of the street known as Carrer de Magallanes, and it is open from Monday to Saturday, from 8am until 3pm.

It is a food market with fruit and vegetables, sea products, meat, baked goods, gourmet products, flowers and cafés.

The municipal market (Mercat Municipal) has been a meeting point for local people and sellers for more than 70 years. Until the middle of the 20th century, the meeting point was La Glorieta, at the end of the street called Carrer del Marqués de Campo.

In 1955, the current market was built in the city centre. Dénia has been able to maintain the charm of the traditional markets, where one listens to the advice of those who work the sea or land with their own hands.

Recently, various events have been organised within the market, such as La Nit de La Llum (the Night of Light) or El Concurs Creatiu de La Gamba Roja de Dénia (the Dénia Red Prawn Creative Contest), which take place yearly and boost the attraction to the market.

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Mountain and underwater routes.
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MACMA. Seu Mancomunitat Comarcal de la Marina Alta

C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 50 baix - 03760 - Ondara

Tel. 965757237 - Email: macma@macma.org


Cultura i Patrimoni:

659 219 476 - macma@macma.org

Joventut. Xarxa Jove Marina Alta:

680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

Esports. Xarxa Esportiva Marina Alta:

635 636 023 - xarxaesportiva@macma.org

Servei Mancomunat d’Arxius:

620 85 22 83 - arxius@macma.org


96 575 72 37 - secretaria@macma.org

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