Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall d’Alcalà

Església de la Puríssima Concepció de Beniaia

This temple is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, just like the church in Alcalà de La Jovada. It holds great historical importance because it was built in 1615, just after the expulsion of the Moors took place in 1609. It has a unique architectural design and bears resemblance in terms of layout and typology to the church of Pla de Petracos in Castell de Castells. As a curiosity, in 2010, a resident of Beniaia bequeathed all his belongings to this parish: Vicent Vidal passed away without descendants and, with what was donated, he contributed to the renovation and improvement of the church, which, at that time, was in disrepair due to the heavy rains that occurred during the autumn of 2007, nearly causing the roof and bell tower to collapse. Currently, it remains an annex of Alcalà de La Jovada and is served by the rector of that village. (1)

(1) Lozano, T. (2021). L’Església de Beniaia (La Vall d’Alcalà): ubicació i característiques. LaMarinaAlta.com https://lamarinaalta.com/iglesia-beniaia-la-vall-dalcala/

info La Vall d’Alcalà

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