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Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

La Vall de Laguar

Església dels Sants Cosme i Damià

After the parish reordering of 1535, a simple temple was initially built on top of the original Muslim mosque. The current church consists of a single rectangular nave with a gable roof, and the interior is decorated with neoclassical-style mouldings and a central nave with lunettes. All the churches in Laguar date back to the 18th century, following the Mediterranean model. This church was established as a parish in 1953 and is currently served by the rector of Campell. It does not have its own parish records (1).

The temple has a typical Mediterranean façade with a mixed curvilinear moulded finish. Above the modest recessed door, there is a window with a semi-circular arch that illuminates the interior of the church. The bell tower, set back from the façade, is made of carved stones and has four sections separated with mouldings. Only the top section has semi-circular openings, and three of them house the bells. The oldest bell dates back to 1947 and is from the traditional Roses workshop, while the other two are from 2013. The opening that does not contain a bell is bricked up. Finally, the bell tower is topped with four pinnacle-shaped spherical finials.

The main façade faces a very emblematic square in the upper town, with an old mulberry tree providing shade and a recreational space for the neighbourhood.

(1) Sanchis i Sivera, J. (1922) Nomenclátor Geográfico-Eclesiástico de los pueblos de la Diócesis de Valencia. València.

info La Vall de Laguar

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