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Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Font de Sant Andreu

The fountain dedicated to Saint Andreu is located on the street of the same name, which crosses the village in the southern area from east to west, and connects it with Sanet i Els Negrals and El Ràfol d’Almúnia.

The structure is situated between two single-storey buildings, and the fountain is located between two tile pilasters connected by a wooden beam above which is the cornice, finished off with a roof made of tiles and supported by wooden permodules. To the left, between the pilaster of the fountain and another that is attached to the wall of a house, there is a wooden door and, above it, a recessed arch, flat above and with a semicircular segment below.

The fountain was inaugurated in 2001, when Josefa Ginestar Gavilà was the mayor of the town. On the day of the inauguration, Andrés Ginestar dedicated a poem to the event:


Han construido la fuente

y no ha perdido detalle

está San Andrés presente

que es el adorno de la calle


Han sonado muchos cohetes

no ha pasado accidente

unos han asistido a la misa

precedida, por nuestro párroco Don Vicente


Agradecemos al Ayuntamiento,

que es especial,

a la Señora Alcaldesa

y a nuestro Diputado Provincial.

(They built the fountain / and no details were left out / Saint Andrés is present / the ornament of the street / Many firework rockets were heard / no accidents happened / some attended mass / held by our parish priest Don Vicente / We thank the Town Hall, / which is special, / the Mayoress / and our Provincial Deputy.)

The fountain, which consists of a single spout from which the water falls into an elongated basin, is decorated with a pattern made with tiles, which has geometric, plant and floral motifs of different colors. In the middle there is a blue ornamentation with geometric and plant motifs, within which there are three images.

On the right is the coat of arms of Benimeli and on the left is the coat of arms of the Provincial Council of Alicante. And in the middle, between the two coats of arms, there is a representation of Saint Andreu on a beach carrying the so-called Crux Decussata in the form of Saint Andreu's cross, on which he was crucified.

At the bottom right is the date: 25-11-2001, and below the image, also painted on tiles, is the name of the fountain: "Font de Sant Andreu".

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