Our heritage


The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Museu del Fang

The main mission of Orba’s clay museum, known as Museu del Fang, is to give the pottery history of Orba and Orbeta the merit it deserves, rescuing from oblivion the memory of the ceramic trade and highlighting its importance as a traditional profession in the municipality's past, since the end of the 17th century onwards. One of the primary motivations is clearly to prevent the loss of the pottery heritage and to disseminate the relevance of this activity, which was transcendental in the socioeconomic and cultural life of the towns of Orba and Orbeta until the middle of the 20th century.

This permanent museographic collection is made up of pieces from more than 40 private donations and loans that highlight the unique and singular content of the local pottery production, with a different historical evolution and distinct features compared to other towns and villages. Likewise, the collection contributes to the appreciation of the importance of oral memory, taking advantage of the precious testimonies of people who are still alive and can therefore describe the pottery life in the Orba area, evoking the splendour that it enjoyed in the past and giving value to its sociocultural impact nowadays. (1)

Opening hours: Saturday from 10am to 1:30pm and from 5pm to 8pm, Sunday from 10am to 1:30pm.
Are guided visits possible? Yes.
How can they be arranged? By email or by way of this form.

(1) Information retrieved from the webpage: https://diumengesmarinaalta.com/eventos/les-fonts-d-orba-i-el-castellet-visita-al-museu-del-fang/

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Museu del Fang

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