Teulada Moraira
El Riurau del Bancal Roig is located in the area of Benimarco, Teulada-Moraira. A riurau is a structure traditional to La Marina Alta related to the production of raisins, with this one consisting of seven arches dating from the nineteenth century. The traditional layout of the house has been retained and it has an oven for baking bread in addition to a well with water.
This specific riurau has been turned into the Ecomuseographic Centre for the Recovery of Traditional Trades and Occupations (Centre Ecomuseogràfic de la Recuperació d’Oficis i Qualificacions Tradicionals). Inside, one can find an exhibition of materials related to traditional products and trades, as well as samples of materials that were used for working with raisins, cereals and reeds. There is the possibility of a guided tour.