The Tres Molins de Jesús Pobre route has a distance of 4.73 kilometres and permits the hiker to walk along various paths and enjoy the local heritage and natural surroundings.
The journey starts in the square known as Plaça del Poble, from where it is necessary to go to the street called Carrer Major. Continue straight down the street until the crossroads that link up with Les Cases Noves. From there, go to Quatre Cantons where it is possible to see a riurau and a scalding furnace. From Quatre Cantons, take the path that leads to Tres Molins, where there are spectacular views of Les Valls and the bay of Xàbia.
Go down the same path again and walk towards Racó Tafarra, so as to go through the pine forest, taking a moment to enjoy the natural surroundings. Finally, head towards the square known as Plaça de L'Església and the 18th-century convent, which is the starting point and where the route ends.