Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.

Jesús Pobre

El Gran Riurau del Senyor de Benissadeví

The so-called Gran Riurau del Senyor de Benissadeví, also known as El Riurau del Senyoret (“the Gentleman’s Riurau”) or El Riurau Gran (“the Large Riurau”), is located in the street called Carrer de Les Eres in Jesús Pobre and it was built during the second half of the 19th century.

Currently, this riurau is in a good state of conservation, thanks to the restoration undertaken in 2009. It is a large riurau with ten double-sided elliptical arcs and it is one of the great examples of the architecture of riuraus.

The elongated floor plan with wide and open spaces gives it a cathedral-like appearance. The riurau does not preserve many related architectures, such as the tenant farmers’ houses or the well that supplied the water. They were located in the northern part and were demolished with the construction of new buildings.
In 2009, a new scalding furnace was built to be used in the celebration of L’Escaldà, which is held on the last Sunday of August. Later, in 2011, the old oven was found in the western pine grove. The other elements are missing.

Nowadays, it is used for celebrations, events and conferences. Once a year, it becomes an “alive riurau” with the festival of L’Escaldà.

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