Hiking routes

Medium difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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SL-CV 136 Molí del Quisi

3 h 0 min.
Technical difficulty
8,70 km
Total elevation gain
260 m

The mill known as Molí del Quisi, declared an Asset of Local Relevance, is one of the most important hydraulic infrastructures in the area. This route deals with the use of water and while you walk you get to see elements of great historical value such as the Pou d'Avall washing place, the Santa Anna hermitage, the Tio Joan de Vallesa “riurau”, the bridge called Pont del Quisi and Molí del Quisi.

The trail begins at the Puríssima Xiqueta church, built in a neo-Gothic style, where there is an information panel regarding the route. Continue along the street called Carrer de la Puríssima until you get to Pou d'Avall, which is an old washing place constructed at the beginning of the 20th century, where women could wash clothes and linen. Next, you soon arrive at the hermitage of Santa Anna and, further on, you reach Tio Joan's “riurau” or “passera”, which is a 19th century construction typically found in the Marina region, used for the processing of raisins. A little further on along the route you get to the Quisi bridge.

Finally, you arrive at the mill called Molí del Quisi, where you then take a path that leads you back to Benissa.

Places of interest:

  • Església Puríssima Xiqueta.
  • Llavador del Pou d’Avall.
  • Ermita Sant Anna.
  • Riurau Valleses.
  • Molí del Quisi.

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680 516 149 - xarxajove@macma.org

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