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El Poble Nou de Benitatxell

Els Pous de l’Abiar

“The wells of L’Abiar are a set or network of underground wells and tanks that collect water in the lower area of L’Abiar. It is possible that this hydraulic system comes from the technical knowledge that the Arab settlers had.

Of the original ensemble, a windmill is still preserved, which was used as a natural spring until recently. Moreover, there are two other wells nearby which, until the 1990s, were used as a source of water for the locals, as well as to water vegetable gardens or even as a livestock drinking trough. In addition, there was a public washing site in the area where the women from the village used to do the laundry, taking advantage of the water from the wells. At some point during the 1970s, this public building was demolished.

Nowadays, next to the wells there is a recreational area and some community ecological vegetable gardens.” (1)

(1) Tourist Info Poble Nou de Benitatxell. Els Pous de l’Albiar. Benitatxell tourism. Taken from: https://www.turismobenitatxell.es/es/que-ver/arquitectura-tradicional/15-pous-de-l-039abiar

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