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Hermitages and churches

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Teulada Moraira

Ermita de la Mare de Déu del Carme

The chapel known as Ermita de La Mare de Déu del Carme or Ermita del Castell is located in the town of Moraira. It was built on the seafront, opposite the entrance gate to the castle, separated by a few metres. It stands next to a landscaped garden plot on the street known as Carrer del Castell, close to the beach called La Platja de L'Ampolla.

The history of this chapel is linked to that of the fortress next to which it stands, an important stronghold built in 1742 as a defence against the attacks of the Barbary pirates who, in those days, were threatening the coasts. It seems that inside the fort there was a chapel, preceding the current one, which was endowed with images and objects of worship by Archbishop Mayoral shortly after its construction.

The chapel is a small, cubic-shaped construction, built on a stone platform, whose façade faces the sea and the entrance to the fortress. It has a tiled gable roof with a small wrought-iron cross on top, the only indication that it is a religious building. The walls are whitewashed except for the corners and the door frame, where the stone block ashlars have been painted in ochre. The only window is a small opening on the left side, under the eaves, at the height of the altar. The entrance is rectangular with a wooden door and wooden beam lintel. In its small interior the stonework has been left exposed. On the front wall, above the altar, there are numerous small religious images and in the only niche there is a carving of Sant Joan Baptista (Saint John the Baptist).

info Teulada Moraira

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