Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

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of our past and a part of our present.


Ermita del Crist de l'Agonia

The chapel dedicated to El Santíssim Crist de L'Agonia, which in reality consists of two buildings, one old and one new, is located in the neighbourhood known as Barri del Crist in the town of Ondara.

Starting in 1996, the year in which a family from the town donated the land, a project was developed to expand the hermitage. It finally led to the construction of a new building between 2006 and 2007, made possible with contributions from the Town Hall, local inhabitants and the festers.

The old chapel is a small, rectangular building with a pyramidal tile roof which is slightly sloped. The facade had a rectangular door on which there was a window converted into a belfry so as to house a bell.

The new space was constructed in front of the facade. It serves as the nave for what would be the presbytery located in the enclosure of the old chapel. The style and the materials used are a powerful contrast to the old building, with functional lines, glass and metal predominating. It is a construction with a cubic appearance and a flat roof. On three walls there are some stained glass windows that let light in.

On the facade, occupying part of the opening of the rectangular door, two metal beams start from the ground and join transversally above the cornice to form the new belfry with its bell.

The presbytery now occupies what used to be the original chapel, with a free-standing altar and a very polychrome neoclassical altarpiece that has a well-carved representation of El Crist de L’Agonia. On a pedestal on the right side, there is an image of La Mare de Déu de La Solitud, patron saint of Ondara.

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