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Ermita del Crist de l'Agonia d'Orbeta

Orbeta is a small annex to the municipality of Orba, located immediately to the east of the municipal capital, thereby forming practically a single urban nucleus. It consists of an important residential area and has just over 100 inhabitants.

The chapel dedicated to El Crist de L'Agonia, known locally as Ermita del Sant Crist, is located in the northern part of Orbeta, at the end of the street of the same name, preceded by a small square that serves as a balcony and next to a children's playground.

The chapel was built, according to the information on the facade, in 1963, as a donation by Vicente Alemany and Maria dels Àngels Fenollosa.

Coinciding with the 50th anniversary in 2013, it was rehabilitated with funds contributed and collected by the neighbours themselves, and so it is now in perfect condition.

This chapel is a small, cubic-shaped building, attached to a kind of lower warehouse. The facade, facing south, ends in a curvilinear cornice with pyramidal ornaments that encompasses the belfry with the bell and weathervane. The pediment is adorned with a lantern above an oculus that is repeated on the side walls. The access door is rectangular and made of sheet metal.

Orbeta celebrates its main festivities during the second weekend of July. On Saturday, the image of the Holy Christ is transferred to the parish church of Orba, where mass is celebrated. In the evening there is a procession through the streets of the village and a musical and festive celebration. On Sunday, mass is also celebrated at the chapel, at nine in the morning.

info Orba

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