Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Església i convent de la Sagrada Familia

On the 2nd of February, 1892, the first stone was solemnly laid. The construction of the convent and church, led by Friar Maseo Company according to his own plans, began with great enthusiasm. On July 25th, 1894, the space intended for a provisional oratory, which encompassed the ground floor along the entire length of the south façade, was inaugurated. At the same time, nine new cells for the religious community were also inaugurated.

The construction of the convent and church progressed thanks to the effective cooperation and fervent support of the people of Pego. On April 6th, 1901, the new and grandiose Gothic-style temple dedicated to La Sagrada Família was inaugurated and blessed in accordance with the prayer rituals.

Subsequently, various improvements were made to the interior of the convent, such as the construction of the vaulted ceiling in the current refectory, the raising and roofing of the bell tower, the creation of the square and the construction of the chapels for the Via Crucis, among others.

Externally, there are four buttresses on each side of the flying buttresses. The façade is a solid block with two levels: the lower level contains a pointed arch entrance door, and the upper level features a stained glass window and a bull's eye window. It also has a straight cornice with a central pointed tip crowned with a cross and two gargoyles. The bell tower consists of four sections.

The style of the convent building is framed within the neuroticism movement and features a basilica-like floor plan with a crossing, a nave with interconnected side chapels, and a choir at the base. The exterior of the apse is flat, while the interior presents a polygonal structure with three sides. Behind it, there is the sacristy and, on the northern side, there is the communion chapel with a rectangular floor plan. The entire structure is covered with rib vaults, and the crossing features a star-shaped vault.

The interior is highly decorated, with each chapel having its own altarpiece and frescoes painted on the sides by Remigio Siscar. There are formal similarities with the main altar, which contains an altarpiece dedicated to La Sagrada Familia. In the cloister, there is a statue of Friar Pascual Nadal, a martyr in China and a native of Pego.

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