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Paratge dels Mortits

Around the town of Sagra, numerous sources of clean and crystal-clear water flow, including the fountain known as Font de Dalt del Mortit, located in the area that bears the same name, which, from under a large crag, flows pretty much throughout the year with quite a bit of intensity.

In the past, cattle drank from it and, due to its strategic location and the good climate that its surroundings enjoy, its water was also used to irrigate some plots of land.

People from Sagra say that the water for irrigation from Font de Dalt del Mortit was distributed free of charge among the users, who also participated in the cleaning and in the conservation of the spring itself and the drains and canals.

During the summer, the flow decreased drastically and so to use the water properly, the farmers built a shallow pond taking advantage of the uneven terrain, accumulating water through the traditional decantation system. When it was full, it provided the necessary flow for optimal irrigation.

In the past, there was no road to reach the orchards watered by this spring. The access was difficult: on foot through the mountainous terrain or along a path which was about 60 centimetres wide. The path that currently gives access to this area and that continues towards the summit of El Mortit, La Corona, was built in the 1970s.

Following the same path to the plain, towards the town of Sagra, the source of Baix del Mortit emerges a short distance away and provides water for animals, in a small pond.

The source of Baix del Mortit, located just over 1.5 kilometres from the centre of Sagra, is situated between mountains in a space of exuberant vegetation of enormous environmental and landscape value. It is surrounded by majestic pines, reeds, Mediterranean dwarf palms, scorpion brooms, rosemary, carob trees and almond trees.

Currently there is a recreational area there, called Àrea Recreativa de La Font del Mortit, built in 1996 and remodelled in 2000.

Continuing towards the plain, already in the lower part of Mortit, La Bacorra is born, a spring that only emerges during periods of abundant rain.

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