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Benigembla / Castell de Castells

PR-CV 427 Benigembla - Cocoll - Castell de Castells

5 h 55 min.
Technical difficulty
13,98 km
Total elevation gain
765 m

El Cocoll, located next to Castell de Castells, is a mountain that does not stand out much due to the fact that it is surrounded by other mountains that have a more striking relief, but it is one of the best vantage points from which to contemplate the rest of the mountains. From the peak you can enjoy the wonderful 360-degree panoramic view, from where you can see Serra de Aitana to the south, Serella, Xortà and Morro Blau to the west, Carrascar de Parcent and Solana d'Alcalalí to the east, Montgó to the northeast, and Cavall Verd and Serra d'Alfaro to the north.

The route starts in Benigembla. Leave the village along the CV-720 road, walking towards Castell de Castells. After about 200 metres, you get to the start of Camí Corral Nou where you can see an information panel for the route. This is where the PR-CV 427 route begins. First, go up a path, where after a few metres you pass by a house and a corral in ruins on the left, until you reach a path that crosses a field of prickly pear cactuses. You find yourself walking through some abandoned fields where in the past there were crops planted to meet the demand for raisins or other products. At a certain point you step right onto a cistern called Aljub del Frare which, if you are not careful, you can pass by without even noticing. Follow the path and soon you get to the livestock pen known as Corral de Malea. Go around the mountain until you get to the point where you begin to climb until you reach the aerodrome located on the plain known as Pla de Moragues. From here, go along the track until you get to the geodesic point at the top of El Cocoll. Due to the fact that it is a linear route, you have to return along the same path.

Places of interest:

  • Benigembla.
  • Heliport.
  • Cim del Cocoll (1048m).
  • Pou d’Aialt.
  • Castell de Castells.

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info Benigembla

info Castell de Castells

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