This route starts from Cooperativa El Progrés. From there, begin walking along the street known as Carrer de L'Almàssera, towards the avenue called Avinguda d'Alacant.
Then, turn left and immediately turn right, passing in front of Bodegues Parcent and going forwards until the road that connects with Alcalalí. Turn left and leave Riurau Primo to one side.
Keep going for about a hundred metres until Camí del Barranquet where directions are given by way of signs and the trail starts.
Follow all the signs until the spring known as Font de La Foia, famous for the quality of its water and the beauty of the surroundings. Leave it behind and, after walking further on for about a kilometre, there is a fork in the path from where the path on the left should be taken. Follow along that trail until reaching the icehouse, a circular construction that is located in El Carrascar, at an altitude of 780 metres. It has a depth of seven metres, a diameter of 12.3 metres and a capacity of 830 cubic metres. The icehouse was where the winter snow was stored in order to convert it into ice and then sell it later on during the year. Ice was used mainly to preserve food and for therapeutic purposes, and these ice-making activities spanned from the 16th century until the 20th century, a period known as the Little Ice Age.
To return to the starting point, go around the icehouse and retrace your steps along the same route.