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Emblematic architecture

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of our past and a part of our present.

L'Atzúbia Forna

Casa Abadia i font subterrània

Forna had a school classified as a mixed unitary school. As used to be fairly common in many towns and villages in the past, at that time the Town Hall of Forna did not own any buildings, which is why it had to rent a house that would serve as a school and, sometimes, as a place to live for the teacher.

During the 1932-33 school year, interim teacher Jesusa Sirera Tormo was in charge of completing the school statistics for 1932, thanks to which it is known that the building that housed the school had changed to the so-called Casa Badia. According to this report, the building was inadequate, because it did not have appropriate hygienic conditions and lacked toilets for the children. The teacher's apartment, also located in this building, was in unsuitable conditions for living. In addition, the furniture was sufficient but old, and school material was scarce.

Casa Badia is one of the most representative buildings and one of the structures that the residents of Forna most love. Located in the heart of the village, the passage of time, neglect and some questionable interventions had seriously harmed it. In order to heal its wounds and make it functional once again, rehabilitation works began in September 2016, stopping a mere month later due to "technical" reasons. However, the restoration of this emblematic building has recently been resumed.

The new facade rehabilitation project also takes into account the restoration of the three sundials and the inscription (extracted from a verse from the Book of Job) that accompanies one of them:


Joaquin Sansano Vicario

Dies mei transierunt sicut Aquila vols ans ad escam. (Job 9 26): "My days skim past, like eagles swooping down on their prey.”

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