Our heritage

Castles and towers

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Castell de l'Ocaive

The existing remains of the castle known locally as Castell de L’Ocaive, categorised as an Asset of Cultural Interest, are located near the municipality of Pedreguer. They can be accessed on foot, by way of the PR-CV 53 path.

Although the occupation of the rock has been documented since the Bronze Age, the architectural structures that can be found at its highest point date back to mediaeval times (13th-14th centuries).

They are the remains of a quadrangular tower that must have had at least one upper floor, with a steep buttress on the cliff. Its access door is open to the south, where there was another room (first a cistern, then a storage room) with a slightly trapezoidal floor plan, which preserves the start of the lowered vault with which it was covered. The view from the castle makes clear its strategic location with regards to controlling the surrounding territory.

At a lower level, to the east, a large rectangular cistern built during the Andalusian period (12th-13th centuries), still exists.

The castle is in ruins. Its destruction and subsequent abandonment in the early years of the Christian conquest of the territory have influenced the process of its deterioration. Recently, the Generalitat Valenciana, in collaboration with the Town Hall of Pedreguer, have reached an agreement to carry out an urgent repair of this castle so as to avoid its complete destruction.

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