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La Vall d’Alcalà

Església de la Puríssima Concepció d'Alcalà de la Jovada

The inaccessibility of the terrain in this valley allowed it to become the operations centre of the Muslim leader Al-Azraq in the fight against Jaume I. Later, during the intense and painful War of 1609, it would also become a strategic point of the rebellion. Today, it is still possible to see part of what is considered to have been Al-Azraq’s 13th-century palace, located in the town’s main square (Plaça Major) and which occupied what is nowadays a whole block of houses, including the current Christian temple.

The church, located in Plaça Bisbe Vilaplana, is built upon the main structure of the ancient castle or manor house, as well as on the remains of a mosque, preserving some defensive elements from the original construction. Inaugurated in 1636, it is dedicated to La Puríssima Concepció de La Nostra Senyora.

Ecclesiastically, La Vall d'Alcalà initially belonged to the parish of Gallinera, which is why it was also called Alcalà de Gallinera. However, like in many other Moorish villages, this parish, which was founded to evangelise the native population, was merely a theoretical entity since the Moorish population of these valleys continued to practise their religion.

In any case, it separated from the mother church in 1535, along with the annexes of Beniaia, L'Atzúbia or L'Atzubieta, Benialí and others. The rector was obliged to celebrate two masses on Sundays, one in Alcalà de La Jovada and the other in Beniaia. Initially, the temple was erected in dedication to Sant Abdó and Sant Senent, then it was dedicated to La Nostra Senyora de L'Assumpció, later to La Nostra Senyora del Pilar and finally to La Puríssima Concepció, its current dedication.

info La Vall d’Alcalà

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