Our heritage

Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Masia l'Albardanera

A large country house that takes its name from its location in the area of Albardanera, which is in the vicinity of the mountain known as Montgó. Situated on a flat plot of land, it has been remodelled and is currently in use as a private summer residence.

The period in which it was built is unknown but, due to the neoclassical language used, it could date back to the second half of the 19th century.

It is a rectangular fortification consisting of two or three different heights. The construction has been renovated and now only some of its old defensive features remain intact. To the right of the main tower one can see the riurau, a historical structure for the purpose of drying raisins, built with rough stone that is typical of the farmhouses and houses of the region, and which forms the main entrance to this farmhouse.

It also has another porch covered by a vine that is found in front of the main facade. Inside, part of the building is organised around a courtyard. (1)

(1) Pedreguer Town Hall. Masia Fortificada de l’Albardanera. The Pedreguer Town Hall website. https://pedreguer.es/descobreix-pedreguer/patrimoni-natural-i-arquitect/masia-fortificada-albardanera

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